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Yes, we are back! The JOTM was absent while we worked on Round Wound, but now we're starting again. Continuing in the same general vein as that very album (or vice-versa), we present 9 minutes of us warming up in a tiny, smelly, cramped little room surrounded by equally loud bands in equally tiny, smelly, cramped little rooms. Don't you wanna be a musician? Gosh, it's fun.

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June 2001 (9'23")
LO-FI (mono) (2.15MB)
HI-FI (stereo) (8.59MB)
June 2000 (8'09")
LO-FI (mono) (1.9MB)
HI-FI (stereo) (7.6MB)
May 2000 (11'05")
LO-FI (mono) (2.6.MB)
HI-FI (stereo) (8.6MB)
April 2000 (10'53")
LO-FI (mono) (2.5MB)
HI-FI (stereo) (10.2MB)
March 2000 (9'55")
LO-FI (mono) (1.5MB)
HI-FI (stereo) (9.3MB)
February 2000 (14'56")
LO-FI (mono) (3.5 MB)
HI-FI (stereo) (14.0MB)

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